Manufacturer of handmade accessories for dog-lovers

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Salve sig. Luigi, ho ben ricevuto il pacco grazie mille: sono veramente contenta e soddisfatta del collare- guinzaglio e' superiore alle aspettative! Grazie, alla prossima, saluti Rosa signoretti
Elements that make up this set BB27:
Lupavaro Belly Bands: Belly Bands
EUR 23,00
quantita': 1
Are you also're worried every time you go to the home of friends, family, restaurant or hotel with your male dog because it could happen (or is already happened!) that your dog marks his territory? Or you're not so sure if your puppy is already 100% housetrained when you go to a hotel? Or is your senior dog incontinent and lose urine wetting his bed and forcing him to spend the nighton a wet blanket? Do not worry! The Lupavaro Belly Band, if used properly, will help you to solve this kind of problems! The Lupavaro Belly Bands are bands of soft Polarfleece (the same material of our soft Lupavaro coats ) in which is inserted an absorbent pad. The band does not bother the dog movements , especially those dogs that are already used to wear a coat, pajamas or sweaters love this soft band because it also heats the renal region. the Belly Band is very useful in "critical" situations like going to someone else's house where many absolute housetrained dogs could mark their territory. They are also useful to the dog being during housetraining education preventing pee smell at home that should induce the puppy later to re - pee in the same place. If an "accident" happens the dog will have the bad feeling that the urine remains on him feeling very dirty and this feeling often ensures that the dog avoids to remake the same mistake. IMPORTANT: Lupavaro Belly Bands are a convenient aid for the temporary use while you are in someone else's house, in a hotel or in situations where it would be very embarrassing that the dog marks its territory. The Belly Bands are absolutely NOT a way to avoid going out with the dog and should NOT be used to make the dog urinate permanently inside thr pad, in fact: it should be used under supervision and the dog should be immediately corrected when he lift up a leg and brought outside to do pee and poo. The Belly Bands do not replace the outside walk!
    EUR 23,00
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Buying now, your order will be shipped on: 19 Jun 2024 The waiting list is calculated considering 6 working days. For more information contact
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